CFP: Figuring the Enemy 1-Day Workshop (2nd Dec 2021)

The Figuring the Enemy project is investigating the means and mechanisms behind the construction and maintenance of social groups as enemies and the enactment of enmity within the structures. It is engaging with this research through both socio-cognitive psychological and a political-theological approaches with the aim for productive cross-pollination.

As an initial engagement the project will be holding a 1-day workshop at Trinity College in Melbourne on the 2nd of December 2021. Given the uncertainty inherent within the pandemic, and engagement with international partners, we will be holding this as a hybrid event. However, it is hoped that at least some scholars will be able to gather in person.

For this workshop we are seeking 150-word exploratory briefs to stimulate discussion and research ahead of a multi-day conference in mid-2022. Submissions should detail the research question and approach within the project scope, but do not need to reach any conclusions.

Submissions to close on the 5th of November 2021