CFP: Socio-scientific Approaches to Religious Enmity Conference (13-15th June 2022)

After a tough year of COVID uncertainty the Figuring the Enemy project has been able to set the date for the Socio-scientific Approaches to Religious Enmity Conference in 2022. The conference will be held at Trinity College Theological School, Melbourne on the 13-15th of June 2022. The conference will include both plenary addresses and breakout sessions for scholars to present their work. Plenary speakers will include Dr Christopher A. Porter (Trinity College), Dr Elizabeth Shively (University of St Andrews, Divinity) and Dr Kenneth Mavor (University of St Andrews, Psychology).

We are interested in 300 word abstract submissions which investigate the socio-scientific means and mechanisms behind the construction and maintenance of religious groups as enemies, broadly defined. Contributions are invited from a range of disciplines and perspectives, including, but not restricted to: psychology, sociology, religious studies, and biblical studies. We actively encourage interdisciplinary engagements and scholarship. Both ancient and modern perspectives and engagement with religious emnity are welcomed.

Presentation format

We ask that participants whose abstracts are accepted submit a paper of 2,000–3,000 words for pre-distribution. The actual presentation should aim to last about 20 minutes and act as a discussion and engagement starter. All participants are encouraged to read the papers before the conference for engagement.

Submissions to close on the 28th of February 2022 and enquiries to that address are encouraged.


An edited volume of selected essays will be published after the conference, and will be solicited in due course.